Holi is not a national event to educate about water conservation. It is the festival to celebrate the spirit of faith,goodness & community gathering. The several other method of water conservation is using 1. Using 20 liters of water in bucket instead of free flowing shower
2.Using 400ml of mug of water to brush teeth
3.the water left in school bottles to be collected in a container to be used later on for washing vegetables,fruits n daal/rice
4.keep one car per family instea...d of flashing 2 cars and use public transport more often(dedicated to all the environment lovers who become concerned about air pollution during diwali conveniently forgetting little things which they can do all through out the year,instead of clamoring environment love during diwali..!) Oh yes..! connection between 1 car & water conservation? arrey baba 1 car less to wash & clean ...see u save water..!!
5.wash your "1 car" with 20 ltrs of water
6.Stop drinking fizzy drinks they use gallons of treated water, so less the demand...less the supply
7.become teetotaler...after all those hard drinks requires soda/water to dilute them while drinking
8.Mop your house every alternate day not everyday...unless of course your cleanliness freak...Work on your OCD..!
9.Join research team of water extraction/conservation of national Or international repute and help set process for water extraction or build dams in water scarce places of india
10.Stop wearing those 2kg of jewellery on your wedding night..! when most of women in india don't even have proper clothes to cover their bare bodies...especially in water scarce region of india
11. Lastly, Donate your jewellery to raise funds for water conservation projects..
12 Most importantly take it with a pinch of salt...after all "bura na mano Holi Hai ".....to be continued in response to any anti-diwali bash ...in here...!
2.Using 400ml of mug of water to brush teeth
3.the water left in school bottles to be collected in a container to be used later on for washing vegetables,fruits n daal/rice
4.keep one car per family instea...d of flashing 2 cars and use public transport more often(dedicated to all the environment lovers who become concerned about air pollution during diwali conveniently forgetting little things which they can do all through out the year,instead of clamoring environment love during diwali..!) Oh yes..! connection between 1 car & water conservation? arrey baba 1 car less to wash & clean ...see u save water..!!
5.wash your "1 car" with 20 ltrs of water
6.Stop drinking fizzy drinks they use gallons of treated water, so less the demand...less the supply
7.become teetotaler...after all those hard drinks requires soda/water to dilute them while drinking
8.Mop your house every alternate day not everyday...unless of course your cleanliness freak...Work on your OCD..!
9.Join research team of water extraction/conservation of national Or international repute and help set process for water extraction or build dams in water scarce places of india
10.Stop wearing those 2kg of jewellery on your wedding night..! when most of women in india don't even have proper clothes to cover their bare bodies...especially in water scarce region of india
11. Lastly, Donate your jewellery to raise funds for water conservation projects..
12 Most importantly take it with a pinch of salt...after all "bura na mano Holi Hai ".....to be continued in response to any anti-diwali bash ...in here...!