Sunday, January 4, 2009

Counting Blessings.

This is what I am going to do…now.

2008 has gone, and has left memories good, bad, ugly, eventful and Non eventful.

It was definitely a year that came up with mixed achievements’ on personal fronts.

In 2007, I was in Noida.

I was expecting my first baby . The physical discomforts lead to resignation from the current and very new organization. Each passing day I would wish the discomfort just subside but it only aggravated…! It was just getting too much to ask for in terms of corporeal uneasiness…!

The North Indian summers and winters are notorious for its extreme effects.

Day in and day out I would pray to almighty to miraculously take me to a place where either the houses are centrally Air Conditioned or the climate is with in my tolerable limits.

Better still, I wished to be taken to a land where climate is at its moderate best

But God, who always have better plans then we have for ourselves…


I nearly reached D-day and still my dream of shifting from noida did not materialize.

I have had my share of neighbor women doing guess work.
Since my already dark complexion was turning darker or I would say blue..the guess work suggested it to be boy…Whatever…
Even I wanted ahhheeemmmm…a Boy..! :D

But I needed to wait for the D-day..
Which was taking almost forever to arrive…pheww..
Those months of anticipation anguish and ….all those words which usually Sidney Sheldon uses to describe agony …!! Looked Endless…and it felt like HELL. Or may be like a doomsday..!!

At last the d-day was THE REALITY and…immediately those gona away months looked like NOTHING…compared what was going to happen NOW..!!
And it did happen…

My SON was born in the evening :D

And yes those 200 days looked worthwhile.

With in some time, my husband received an interview call from a Company in bangalore and he cleared it. By the onset 2008 we were making plans to BID ADIEU to NOIDA..! :D…:D :D :D

…I still remember how happy I was to even think about relocating to Bangalore.


We took our 4 months old son and came flying happily to Bangalore..

And the CLIMATE…!!!
I tell you it is Heavanly…(Tuch wood)
Moderate, tolerable, pleasant and one that inspires poetry and…and …and
But with that happiness came a sudden sense of responsibility towards my kid.
I wanted the BEST for him. I also promised to myself, that come what may, never again I will put myself in a situation where my health goes hay wire. As a result of which my husband is required to take leave from office. In short I did not wanted to be a weak spot in our family system. I was resolute to take good care of myself and my little new family of only three of us.

Bangalore definitely had some challenges, one being language, but English “the lingua Franca” took care of it. And yes “ kannada eelley” was just so effective…with prompt
“ Hindi eeeley” as immediate response …but that did save lots of time and energy. :D

The other challenge is S/W industry which, not only get subjected to and influence the push and pull effect of world economy, but is also responsible for spoiling the unskilled laborers rotten. I mean these maids, carpenters and auto-rickshaw walas they charge Gold …!! They are a definite partials towards their natives..yaar.

My husband was keen to look around for a rented apartment nearest to his office. So, that he can be available (without loosing a single minute ...) at the time of emergency.

With 2 weeks of hard work and lots of contemplation over our budget capacity ( and taking care/ scared of bangalore traffic…. : P ) we managed to get a nice apartment.

It was only 20 minutes walking from his office. Yippie..!!

Two days after our moving in, we had 4-5-6 -7 maids ready to offer their services.
Do not even ask the price they were quoting.

I zeroed upon one..and she still with us ..i mean 10 months down the line and she is still around(..nazar mat laga dena …hee hee ..!)

It is, 2009 I can proudly say that I took very good care of myself and my husband that he did not took any leave from office to attend to me or our son.

My son is an energetic 15 months young toddler now. And I feel these are some of the personal agenda that I managed to achieve.

There are some Bloopers too, but we will talk about them later on.

It is 2009 and time to count my blessings…!!!

I wish to count more this year with lesser number of faux pas..Amen.

Happy New Year.